The structural modeling of finite elements is presented below with the Concrete suite, consisting of:

  • Sismicad 12 ca masonry, steel and wood - FEM structural calculation with CAD interface.
  • BulkCAD 5 - Design of steel or reinforced concrete bulkheads.
  • PresFle + 5 - Deviated tensile stress testing of AC and cap sections and composite sections.
  • SlopeCAD 3 - Analysis of slope stability.
  • ThermoCAD 4 - Fire resistance analysis and verification of sections with UNI and Eurocode standards.
  • WallCAD + 7 - Design of reinforced or gravity support walls also on poles and with tie-rods and buttresses. 
Modeling of new structures or reinforcement and expansion interventions on existing structures. Simulation of steel jackets, insertion of FRP or improvement with networks or reinforced concrete. Analysis static or dynamic linear or pushover with determination of the capacity curves. Use of hysteretic or pendulum seismic isolators. Detailed analysis using integrated packages for the analysis of particular stress states, fire verification, slope stability and geotechnical land containment works. new structures or reinforcement and expansion interventions on existing structures. Simulation of steel jackets, insertion of FRP or improvement with networks or reinforced concrete. Analysis static or linear dynamic or pushover with determination of capacity curves. Use of hysteretic or pendulum seismic isolators. Detailed analysis using integrated packages for the analysis of particular stress states, fire verification, slope stability and geotechnical land containment works.
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