New Engineering Srl has as its main objective the acquisition of new important assignments to complement those already in place, rationally increasing the technical structure if necessary according to the job opportunities that will arise.
New Engineering Srl considers the continuous improvement of the organization to be of primary importance, aiming to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of its organizational processes and, last but not least, to maintain a high level of competence by ensuring a fixed annual investment in updating and training.
In this very particular moment for our sector, efficiency and professionalism are the stimuli that allow us to compete on the Italian market.
We are looking to the future with great optimism by investing in resources and equipment.
The staff is made up of a group of dynamic and prepared young people who have found within the company the opportunity to develop their ideas and skills by exploiting the know-how of the senior staff. We believe that the professional updating of the staff is the basis of the growth of the group in response to the demands of the present and future market.
The strengths of New Engineering Srl:
Innovation: Through the continuous search for the new, getting involved by re-evaluating the practices of the ordinary.
Multidisciplinarity: Through the maintenance of high-level skills within the company. By investing in training and research.
Ability to synthesize: Through careful planning of the work phases in order to achieve the project mandate.
Quality: Through an assessment of internal and external non-conformities, a careful analysis of our customers' expectations and their degree of satisfaction.
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GDPR compliance: New Engineering Srl complies with the obligations set out in EU Regulation 2016/679 and Legislative Decree 196/2003 and is adopting all the necessary measures for the protection of personal data and confidentiality.
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Data processing manager: Eng. Luca Oss Emer
Data Protection Officer: